OT role in supporting parents

Becoming a parent is a transformative and incredible experience, but it can also present unique challenges and uncertainties. All Seasons Occupational Therapy is dedicated to supporting parents throughout their perinatal period and beyond, offering a comprehensive range of services to address physical, emotional, and practical needs. Here is some further information regarding the role that occupational therapy plays in supporting parents, helping them navigate the journey from pregnancy through the early years of their child's life.

  1. Preparing for Parenthood: Antenatal Support

    The perinatal period, encompassing pregnancy and the first year after childbirth, is a time of profound transition. Occupational Therapists (OTs) recognise the importance of providing support during this transformative phase. OTs work closely with expectant parents, offering guidance on preparing the home environment, promoting self-care strategies, and addressing any physical or emotional challenges that may arise. OTs are also skilled in supporting parents to prepare their social supports for their post-partum, considering their available supports and allowing efficient, family centred help. We provide education on energy conservation, pain management, and adapting daily activities to support a comfortable pregnancy.

  2. Building Parent-Child Bonds: Postnatal Support

    The arrival of a newborn brings immense joy and new responsibilities. OTs focus on helping parents navigate the postnatal period, fostering strong parent-child bonds and promoting optimal infant development. OTs can offer guidance on promoting attachment, creating a nurturing environment, and facilitating infant feeding and sleep rhythms that suit the unique needs of parents and their child. We also address any concerns related to postpartum recovery, providing strategies for managing physical discomfort, enhancing self-care, and supporting emotional well-being.

  3. Nurturing Development: Early Childhood Support

    As children grow, parents face new challenges in supporting their child's development. OTs understand the importance of early intervention and comprehensive support during this time. OTs can assist parents through education in understanding normal and expected timeframes of developmental milestones, support and understanding during challenging times and strategies to meet both the needs of parents and children in their ongoing development.

  4. Self-Care for Parents: Balancing Well-being

    Parenting is a demanding role that often requires parents to prioritise their child's needs above their own. OTs emphasise the importance of parental self-care and offers strategies for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental well-being. OTs provide guidance on stress management, time management, and self-care routines, enabling parents to find balance and meet their own needs while caring for their child.

  5. Beyond the Early Years: Lifelong Support

    OTs also recognise that parenting is a lifelong journey filled with evolving challenges or unexpected circumstances. OTs offer ongoing support, educational resources, and practical strategies to address the changing needs of children and their parents as they navigate different stages of development and life transitions.

All Seasons Occupational Therapy is dedicated to providing holistic and comprehensive support to parents throughout the perinatal period and beyond. Our skilled occupational therapists empower parents by addressing their physical, emotional, and practical needs, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to navigate the transformative journey of parenthood. Please reach out to admin@allseasonsot.com.au to learn more about how Ellen  can assist you in creating a nurturing and fulfilling parenting experience that positively impacts both you and your child for years to come.


Neuroprotective Developmental Care (The Possums Approach)