Neuroprotective Developmental Care (The Possums Approach)

What is Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC)?

The term itself, was coined by Dr Heideleise Als, however in this context it refers to an approach regarding the care of babies and mothers (and caregivers) developed by Dr Pam Douglas and the Possums team. NDC acknowledges the need to protect the developing infant brain and gut, while also supporting the mental health of caregivers. There are a number of strategies to support both the infant and the mother/caregivers with an emphasis on the important relationship interconnecting breastfeeding, infant sleep, a baby’s sensory and social needs, managing cry-fuss behaviours and mental health. 

If I can explain this like an OT; NDC provides tools for a caregiving toolbox. You may not need each tool at all times, but knowing how each tool works and how to make best use of it will hopefully make your job easier and bring more enjoyment! If I am continuing on this build analogy, NDC Accredited providers are your instruction manual for the tools (I am currently on the Accreditation pathway).

Some of these NDC strategies look like:

  • Cued care; a tool developed by Possums to support caregivers implement a pattern of sensible responsiveness to our babies’ communication. There is an emphasis on flexibility and experimentation to allow you to learn how your baby communicates their needs.  Obviously, no one is expected to get it right all the time, but over time with your improved confidence to read your babies cues you will hopefully see a reduction in cry-fuss behaviours (or ability to manage). 

  • Support in feeds (breast or bottle). Assessment in identifying and managing potential causes of breastfeeding difficulties, optimising fit and hold during a feed and utilising breastfeeding as a method to support the sensory nourishment of a developing infant.

  • Education and support to manage biologically normal infant sleep, with particular understanding that each infant will have varying sleep needs and how to optimise the maximum amount of sleep for families. The emphasis on utilising sleep pressure and the circadian clock and two of the most effective strategies employed to make nights more manageable for caregivers.

  • Maternal mental health; with a focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to support mothers and caregivers over their perinatal period. Acknowledging that mothering can be challenging, particularly when faced with complications such as feeding difficulties, issues around infant gut health, adjusting to how an infant sleeps and the vast range of issues that can surface for someone during this time of life.

NDC has been developed over 15 years with a wonderfully rich evidence base through peer reviewed, published theoretical foundations; and all providers of this approach must complete specialist training in breastfeeding, infant development & gut health, infant sleep and maternal mental health to receive their NDC Accreditation

I’m proud to share that I am currently on the accreditation pathway and am looking forward to bringing my knowledge and experience in this area to the families of Townsville in the near future.


OT role in supporting parents