Supporting you through every stage of your parenting journey

At All Seasons Occupational Therapy, I am dedicated to supporting you through every stage of your parenting journey. My services and offers are designed to address the diverse needs of parents and families, offering compassionate and evidence-based support tailored to your unique situation.

Explore our range of services and discover how I can support you during this time.

My Signature Offers

  • Navigating the postpartum period can be challenging. My aim is to provide you with education and support to help you plan and recover effectively, focusing on:

    Together, we'll explore strategies to manage daily activities, address physical limitations, and optimise breastfeeding positions for comfort and bonding.

    I will work with you on:

    • Postpartum planning: Identify your support network and prepare for parenthood with tailored strategies.

    • Birth recovery: From mobility issues to pain management, we're here to guide you through every step of your healing journey.

    • Symptom management: Address issues like disrupted sleep and carpal tunnel syndrome with practical solutions.

    • Ergonomics: Learn safe techniques for caring for your baby and optimise breastfeeding positions for comfort and bonding.

  • Understanding your baby's sleep patterns can be challenging. That's where I come in. With evidence-based strategies rooted in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC), I'll help you navigate the rollercoaster of infant sleep. From establishing routines to managing day-to-day life, I'll provide you with the tools and support you need to ensure both you and your baby get the rest you deserve.

    • Evidence-based strategies: I utilise Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC) to navigate the rollercoaster of infant sleep with confidence.

    • Practical support: Develop routines and strategies for managing day-to-day life while meeting your baby’s sleep needs effectively.

  • As a parent myself, I understand the struggles that come with managing typical toddler behaviour and adjusting to a growing family. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by societal pressures or struggling to meet your own expectations, I'm here to help. With my knowledge of childhood developmental norms and evidence-based interventions, I'll provide you with practical strategies to navigate this season of parenting with confidence and grace.

    • Understanding toddler behaviour: Gain insights into typical developmental milestones and behaviours to foster a strong parent-child relationship.

    • Tailored strategies: Receive evidence-based guidance and practical solutions to address your family's unique needs with confidence.

  • Caring for a child with a medical, physical, or cognitive condition presents its own set of challenges. I'm here to offer you and your family the support and understanding you need to navigate this journey with confidence. You may be seeking emotional guidance or practical interventions, I'll work with you to create sustainable routines and develop effective communication skills to support your family's unique needs.

    • Emotional guidance: Receive compassionate support and advocacy to meet your family’s unique needs with empathy and understanding.

    • Practical interventions: Create sustainable routines and develop effective communication skills to support your family's well-being.

Working Together

Mental Health Support

  • I'll work with you to create personalised solutions that prioritise your well-being and the needs of your family.

    • Focused psychological interventions: Include CBT, interpersonal therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

    • Perinatal mental health: Specialised support for the unique challenges of the perinatal period.

    • Compassionate care: Helping you navigate the emotional transitions of parenthood.

Transitioning to parenthood is a lifesaving event. I'm here to offer you a safe space to seek emotional support and develop practical strategies to address your specific challenges.

Practical Support

  • I'm here to help. Together, we'll problem-solve, set goals, and develop strategies to enhance your family's well-being and resilience.

    • Problem-solving and goal setting: Developing strategies to overcome daily challenges.

    • Establishing routines: Creating rhythms that suit you and your baby’s care needs.

    • Communication and coping skills: Improving assertiveness and managing sensory overwhelm.

    • Workplace transitions: Navigating the return to work and childcare arrangements.

Every parent's journey is unique, which is why I offer practical support tailored to your individual needs. You may be facing barriers that prevent satisfaction in your day-to-day activities or navigating unexpected events that impact your parenting, I'm here to help.

Antenatal Education Class

  • You may be a first-time parent or welcoming a new addition to your family, our classes offer practical insights and community connections to empower you for the journey ahead.

    • Multidisciplinary approach: Led by a team of experts, our classes cover essential topics to empower you for the journey ahead.

    • Practical insights: Gain valuable tips and tricks for birth preparation, postpartum recovery, and infant care from experienced professionals.

    • Community connection: Join our vibrant community on Instagram @pregnancytoparenthoodtsv or contact us via email for more information and support.

This is a chance for you to prepare for the transition to parenthood with our comprehensive antenatal education classes. Led by a team of experts, our classes cover essential topics such as birth preparation, breastfeeding, pelvic floor health, and adjustment to parenthood.

Book a discovery call

Just remember, reaching out for help is the hardest step but once you do you will thank yourself.